Wednesday, April 17, 2013

One More, Just Because

I'm not really a movie person anymore. I used to be able to watch them, but since turning the ripe old age of about 22, sitting still for more than a 40 minute show has become a challenge unless the movie has either a): a certain select group of actors (paging Robert Redford, come on), lots of glitter and/or bright colors, or animals as main characters. Oooh or Kate Hudson. Or Ryan Reynolds. But I digress. Tonight I actually decided to take me time and watch Queen of Versailles. Such a sad movie. At first, it was just more poor little rich kids, but really. That poor woman. She may eat 2000 caviar for kicks even on the foreclosure block (is that a thing? Shouldn't I know?) but what a saint. So sad though. They were living in utter denial. I kindof wanted to cry thinking about people who struggle so hard for their family, and try so hard to put on a normal front when things just aren't right. The Christmas party especially... didn't they realize people knew? Other hand though, the father was soo effing stubborn! Just sell that stupid empty house you have another I mean geez. I admit it, it was kindof a feel sorry for me kind of day, but was really inspired to go give at least two big before bed hugs. Life is too goddam short to be that difficult. Work hard, play hard, and if it's making you miserable let it go. Just let it go. My mantra, now to follow it

On another note: me looking tired and makeup-less, but bangs looking hot as hell! Bangs, not me. Just to make that clear. Finally happy with them, but on seeing them today, my mother's comment was "wow, now all you need are some slutty strappy sandals." Apparently they've become almost sultry, like only hair hanging in your eyes can be woo hoo!

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